Practice Areas


Practice Areas


criminal defense

When you or a loved one is charged with a crime, you want to find someone you trust. Whether you are under police investigation, have been arrested, have an open case, or even want to address a past criminal record, retaining an attorney that can help you navigate the complex and frightening criminal justice system is a must.


OUI Defense

Being arrested for a drunk driving offense in Massachusetts is often a person’s only involvement with the criminal justice system. the Massachusetts OUI (or DUI/DWI) laws are specialized, complicated, and unique. It is imperative to obtain a qualified OUI Lawyer as soon as you can to assist you through the process and get you the best possible result.


civil litigation and personal injury

Accidents can happen, employment situations can be problematic, and companies can overreach against consumers. There are a number of situations like these in life that can result in damage or harm to you, whether physically, financially, or otherwise. Finding a lawyer with knowledge of personal injury, employment law, consumer protection, or other civil law will help you protect your rights.